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Virtual-Reality-Video für IntoVR

Herr Harnisch liebt die Jagd

(10.04.2019) Leckeres Wildfleisch oder brutaler Eingriff in die Natur? Das Jagen spaltet die Gemüter. In diesem 360-Grad-Videoporträt zeigt ein Brandenburger Jäger hautnah, was ihn daran fasziniert, Tieren aufzulauern, sie zu erlegen und zu zerlegen. (Arbeitsbericht auf IntoVR.de.)


Video-Beiträge für Deutsche Welle Digital / DW Shift

No Expensive Phone Repairs Ever Again?!

(14.04.2022) Worldwide, legislators press ahead with a “right to repair.” This will force manufacturers of phones and electronic devices to allow replacements and repairs, including self-repairs by the user. But: Can the right to repair save consumers money? And when will everyone worldwide be able to exercise it?

This Man Saved Notre Dame Cathedral Without Knowing It

(08.04.2022) The world was in shock when the Notre Dame cathedral was devastated by a fire three years ago. Now, 3D scans help reconstruct this monumental cathedral in the heart of Paris. All thanks to one historian’s passion for mapping ancient buildings.

How Games Rip You Off

(17.01.2022) From microtransactions to lootboxes, the ways the gaming industry squeezes money out of players have become very refined. We show some baffling examples and explain how gamers are seduced to spend real-world cash on digital items.

When Will the Global Chip Shortage End? 

(03.12.2021) From gaming consoles to washing mashines to graphics cards: The global chip shortage seems to be the result of a perfect storm. What are the reasons – and when will it end?

Should You Be Afraid of Russian Cyber Attacks?

(24.03.2022) The U.S. fears that Russian cyber attacks on critical infrastructure are imminent. What could happen if these two global powers clash? And what would it mean for you if your country’s electricity, water supply and transport systems were under attack?

How Ukraine’s Tech Industry is Adapting to the War

(18.03.2022) Ukraine’s tech industry was booming before Russia invaded. Now, companies and developers must adapt and many try to support the war effort. But what will the consequences for consumers all over the world be when the Ukrainian tech force can no longer program?


Abschlussprojekt des Volontariats

„Der Rollberg ruft“ – ein Heimatfilm aus Berlin-Neukölln

(23.01.2019) Was bedeutet Heimat in Neukölln? Antworten geben vier Menschen aus dem Kiez – darunter die 73-jährige Ur-Rollbergerin Margot Kessler, die den Multikulti-Gedanken liebt. Der Dokumentarfilm im Stil eines Heimatfilms ist das Abschlussprojekt des 11. Volontärsjahrgangs der electronic media school (ems).